NeighborWorks® Community Partners
offers a variety of services to assist homebuyers throughout the journey.
The Comprehensive Homeownership Program
CHP makes homeownership accessible, and affordable for low to moderate income individuals by providing loans with the lowest downpayment requirements, and affordable mortgage payments that do not raise borrowers’ debt to income ratios (DTI) above 45%.
The CHP Program includes:
• Credit and Financial Fitness Counseling to help individuals navigate the complexities of becoming “buyer-ready”.
• Buyers’ Agent Real Estate Broker Services to ensure our customers get homes that meet their needs within their budgets.
• Closing Guarantee to help our customers compete with all-cash and cash guaranteed offers in a competitive, multi-bidder market.
• One-stop Financing Package complete, fixed rate, to 105% CLTV with deferred down payment assistance and no mortgage insurance that maximizes affordability.